Nice program but locks up and wastes CPU cycles
Why is it so freaking hard to make a weather program that works. The App Store has dozens of these things and the several that Ive tried all have some problem or another. This one freezes up every few days and since it doesnt appear in the Force Quit Applications list the next easiest way to kill it is to launch Activity Monitor and kill it there. And when it does run, idles at 0.5% CPU. Dear developer--fix this. Maybe 0.5% doesn seem much to you but this is happening when the program isnt doing anything. I use my computer for heavy duty numerical simulations and I need every cycle that I can get.
The reason that I care about this is that the program gives you a _lot_ more information than the others--a LOT. The information is reasonably arranged and doesnt use a lot of flashy graphics that apparently causes lots of RAM usage or something. (One menubar weather program uses 80 MB.) This program is relatively efficient in that regard, "only" about 20 MB. (Why, when I was a kid, we had only 128 KB of RAM and a 400 KB disk and it held the operating system and a Fortran compiler with a very nice IDE. Now get off my lawn.)
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WeatherMan Lite